| Michael Bluhm & Hussein Solomon

Great Expectations

Why did South Africa’s post-apartheid leadership finally lose its majority? Hussein Solomon on the problems of turning a liberation movement into a governing party.
10 minute read

Reasonable Doubt

Has the U.S. legal system been politically captured? Christopher W. Schmidt on the conflict over the country’s Supreme Court, allegations about the prosecution of Donald Trump, and the fragmentation of America’s institutions.
11 minute read
| David A. Hopkins & Gustav Jönsson

Strange Multitude

Who controls the U.S. Democratic Party? David A. Hopkins on its old guard, new left, and the challenge of winning American elections with such a diverse crowd of interests.
14 minute read
| Michael Bluhm & Sergey Radchenko

The Madman Theory

How serious are Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threats? Sergey Radchenko on what the Russian president is really saying—and what Western leaders are hearing.
10 minute read
| Michael Bluhm & Robert Hamilton

The New Art of War

What do Russia’s recent wins on the battlefield mean for the conflict in Ukraine? Robert Hamilton on the high-tech transformation of warfare—and the inevitability of a high-pressure deadlock.
11 minute read
| Michael Bluhm & Mujtaba Rahman

The 27 Musketeers

Why can’t Europe’s leaders agree about Europe? Mujtaba Rahman on their disunity in facing the continent’s biggest political and security problems.
12 minute read
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