| Michael Bluhm & Richard Gowan

Weather Eye

Why are most countries not taking sides in the Ukraine war? Richard Gowan on history, geography, and non-Western strategies for a changing global order.
12 minute read
| Michael Bluhm & David A. Hopkins

Next Generation

What’s behind the accelerating shift of younger Americans toward the Democratic Party? David A. Hopkins on the far-reaching consequences of a widening generational divide.
12 minute read
| Michael Bluhm & Eyck Freymann

First Contact

Why is the U.S. suddenly reaching out to China? Eyck Freymann on the motivations and challenges for cooling things down in Washington and Beijing.
12 minute read
| Kim Ghattas & J.J. Gould

‘The Regime Is Dead’

What’s happening in Iran—and what are the implications across the Middle East? Kim Ghattas on the long-term prospects for autocratic rule and democratic resistance.
11 minute read
| J.J. Gould & Miranda Patrucić

Inside Men

What do Russia’s oligarchs have to do with the war in Ukraine? Miranda Patrucić on the global consequences of grand corruption.
11 minute read
| Marcos Buscaglia & J.J. Gould

Follow Your Money

Why is so much “socially responsible” investment going to autocratic countries? Marcos Buscaglia on one of the financial world’s big blind spots.
10 minute read
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