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| Daniel Bessner & Gustav Jönsson

Imperial presidency

Is there really an autocratic threat to American democracy? Daniel Bessner on the growth of U.S. presidential power and the resiliency of the remaining checks on it.
9 minute read
| Michael Bluhm & Stephan Haggard

Crisis in Seoul

How resilient is democracy in South Korea? Stephan Haggard on increasing social polarization, economic inequality, and political violence.
10 minute read
| Gustav Jönsson & Hugh Wilford

The fourth branch

What exactly do U.S. President Donald Trump and his inner circle have in mind when they say they’re taking on the “deep state”? Hugh Wilford on the specter of an unelected government behind the American government.
11 minute read
| Emile Dirks & Gustav Jönsson

Black box

Does the Chinese Communist Party really control TikTok? Emile Dirks on how it’s just like any other social-media platform—and isn’t.
7 minute read
| Michael Bluhm & Vali Nasr

Waking up alone

Where does the fall of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad leave Iran? Vali Nasr on the swift and unexpected transformation of power in the Middle East.
12 minute read
| Dennis Culhane & Gustav Jönsson

Mother of exiles

A year after record increases in American homelessness, it’s now gone up even more—why? Dennis Culhane on the immigration crisis playing out in U.S. cities.
7 minute read
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